© Museo MADRE, Neapel
Hermann Nitsch died on Easter Monday, 18 April 2022. For 30 years of my life he was my mentor and my inspiration. Every day is a day of resurrection, bathed in the joy of being. This exhibition is dedicated to Nitsch. My entire philosophy and work are a constant dialogue with his work and thought.
Andrea Cusumano

03.03.2024 - 20.05.2024
Exhibition curated by Giulia Ingarao and Fabio Cavallucci and organised by ruber.contemporanea with the coordination of Antonio Leone

Andrea Cusumano (born in 1973) is an Anglo-Italian international multi-media artist, performer, composer, painter, director, dramatist, author, curator and art director.
In his work he uses a variety of media and crosses boundaries between multiple artistic disciplines. All these components come together to form a coherent intermedia work construct. His work, in this context the artist likes to talk about his experiments and his research, focuses on the dramaturgical potential of objects and space. In the final analysis, Cusumano creates theatre-referenced spatial dramaturgies. The central topics of his work range from death to transcendence to the possibility of catharsis that can indeed be triggered by art. The artistic experiment is complex and multi-facetted, conceptually based on and related to the work of Hermann Nitsch, yet at the same time it is independent, it speaks a significant language and impresses in a very special way. The performative component creates stage dramaturgies and panel paintings, intermedia installations, intensive fragments of thought and memory.  Cusumano gives us real events in dramaturgically constructed spaces, spaces without time, spaces without places. This work could be described as a “laboratory for intermediality and existential dramaturgies”.
The exhibition was realised with the support of the Italian Council (XI Edition, 2022), an international funding programme for Italian art run by the Directorate General for Contemporary Creativity of the Italian Ministry of Culture.

Andrea Cusumano creates theater-referenced spatial dramaturgies. His work touches, captivates and draws the viewer into the maelstrom of transformative.
Michael Karrer

The artistic experiment is complex and multi-facetted, conceptually based on and related to the work of Hermann Nitsch, yet at the same time it is independent, it speaks a significant language and impresses in a very special way. The performative component creates stage dramaturgies and panel paintings, intermedia installations, intensive fragments of thought and memory.  Cusumano gives us real events in dramaturgically constructed spaces, spaces without time, spaces without places. This work could be described as a “laboratory for intermediality and existential dramaturgies”.
The exhibition was realised with the support of the Italian Council (XI Edition, 2022), an international funding programme for Italian art run by the Directorate General for Contemporary Creativity of the Italian Ministry of Culture.

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