Friends Association
The nitsch museum, which opened in 2007, is one of the largest monographic museums in the Republic of Austria. It sees itself as a place of contemplation and sensuality and presents the work and oeuvre of Hermann Nitsch in its entirety.
As a member of the circle of friends, you support the nitsch museum and the realisation of outstanding exhibition projects as well as the implementation of various cultural education programmes and special and publication projects. You are part of the nitsch museum and contribute to the existence of this special cultural venue in Mistelbach.
Exclusive additional benefits for sponsors:
- Welcome gift for joining
- An annual nitsch museum publication as a gift
- Invitation from Rita Nitsch to Prinzendorf Castle
- Free admission to the Whitsun Festival at Prinzendorf Castle
- 30% discount on admission to the "6-Day Play" at Prinzendorf Castle (2025)
- Special conditions for private hire of the nitsch museum (once a year, 50% discount)
- 10 % discount in the museum shop
- Free admission to the nitsch museum in Naples
Included annual services for patrons & friends:
- Organisation of four exclusive events per year, e.g. art trips at home and abroad to places with a special connection to Hermann Nitsch or visits to current Nitsch exhibitions, visits and meetings in the art and culture sector
- Free admission to temporary exhibitions and events at the nitsch museum, including guided tours by curators, lectures and discussions
- Invitations to exclusive guided tours and events at the Nitsch Foundation
- Free admission to the MAMUZ (Mistelbach and Asparn/Zaya) and Museumsdorf Niedersulz
- Free or reduced admission to partner museums in Lower Austria and beyond
Membership fees per year - tax deductible:
- Sponsors: € 500 for 2 persons
- Young sponsors (up to 30 years): € 250 for 2 persons
- Friends: € 70 per person, additional member € 60 per person
- Young friends: € 60 per person
Verein Freundeskreis des nitsch museums
c/o nitsch museum
Waldstraße 44-46, 2130 Mistelbach
ZVR 1507270124
Obfrau: Mag. Susanne Jonke